
About the Japan Dry Eye Society
About the Japan Dry Eye Society
The Japan Dry Eye Society was established in 1990 to support research into, and clinical
treatment of, dry eye—a condition increasingly observed in clinical settings. In 1995, the
Society issued its first “Definition and Diagnostic Criteria of Dry Eye Disease (DED),” later
releasing two revisions before the current 2016 version. The organization regularly hosts
academic conferences and workshops, and published its “Dry Eye Diagnostic Guidelines”
in the Japanese Journal of Ophthalmological Society in 2019 (Volume 123, No. 5). Members also
continue to collaborate with global dry eye specialists during international conferences to hammer out
an international definition of DED conforming to clinical standards.
The Japan Dry Eye Society will continue to deepen research into DED while providing
society with accurate information on this disease.
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